Senior Lecturer (Practical Philosophy), Linkoping
Closing date: 30 June 2021
Linkoping University (LiU) hereby advertises a position as Senior lecturer in practical philosophy formally based at the Department of Culture and Society.
Philosophy at LiU covers all main branches of philosophy, from logic and epistemology over philosophy of science, history of philosophy, moral philosophy, aesthetics to metaphysics and applied ethics. Our work in research as well as in teaching is characterized by an interdisciplinary focus and a strong interest in philosophical questions pertaining to the role of science in society. In our interdisciplinary cooperations, we seek to account for the multi-faceted nature of science, technology and engineering by utilizing a variety of methodological approaches and by actively working together with a number of units at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. This openness towards other disciplines is also reflected in our teaching program that includes several courses at other departments and faculties.
A senior lecturer’s duties include research, teaching and administration. This employment primarily involves teaching and essay supervision within the Teacher’s programme as well as independent courses. The successful candidate will also be asked to join fund raising efforts and the development of local, national and international collaborations. Participation in the research group’s activities and programs is an important aspect of the employment.
Regarding teaching, it is required that the successful candidate has documented teaching experience in one or more of the following areas: ethics, political philosophy, history of philosophy, and applied ethics. Documented teaching experience at different levels (first cycle, second cycle, third cycle) and in interdisciplinary contexts is a special merit. Furthermore, documented experience in the design and development of courses and study programs as well as documented competence regarding thesis supervision are also particular merits. The language of instruction is English and Swedish. Non-Swedish speaking candidates may apply, but if appointed, are required to be able to teach in Swedish within two years of taking up the appointment.
Documented research proficiency in ethics is a requirement for the position. Documented research proficiency with a focus on history of philosophy is a merit for the position. Documented research proficiency in writing successful grant proposals as well as international research experience are particular merits. The successful candidate is expected to carry out the vast majority of her/his research and teaching in Linköping.
For more information and to apply visit
Image: Satendra Mhatre / FreeImages