Postdoc (Biosciences), Ruhr
Closing date: 24 September 2021
The Institute of Philosophy I at the Ruhr University Bochum seeks applications for a post-doctoral research position. It will be part of the Emmy Noether-research group ROTO (“The Return of the Organism in the Biosciences: Theoretical, Historical, and Social Dimensions”, PI Prof. Jan Baedke), financed by the DFG (German Research Foundation).
Project and research group description:
A PhD in philosophy, social sciences or another relevant discipline. The candidate should have expertise or some knowledge in one (or more) of the following fields:
- Philosophy of Science
- Science Studies (especially of the life sciences)
- Social Philosophy
- Health Disparity Studies
- Race Studies
- Social epigenetics or human microbiome research
Experience in ethnographic research is an additional (though not necessary) methodological expertise. Mastering the German language is not required.
The successful candidate is expected to actively contribute to the above project from a perspective that addresses socially, anthropologically, and philosophically relevant issues in public health, personalized medicine, policy-making, etc., which concern present (or past) trends in the life sciences to highlight the unit of the organism, organisms-environment relations, or organismal individuality and agency. This project could (but does not have to) consider developments in the area of postgenomics (e.g., microbiome research, epigenetics, nutrigenomics, proteomics). Research collaborations with other members of the ROTO group (and with members of the Chair of History and Philosophy of Science) are encouraged. The candidate will also be expected to participate in international workshops and conferences and in events jointly organized by ROTO (reading group, lecture series). She/he will enjoy the groups’ administrative facilities and financial support. In addition, there is the possibility, though no obligation, to do some teaching in either English or German (e.g. in our M.A. program in HPS).
Applications should include:
- A cover letter that addresses, among others, personal academic background and research interests
- CV, including list of publications and 2 references (recommendation letters are not required)
- 3 samples of written work
- A brief description (maximum: 2 pages) of a planned research project in the context of the research group
- A copy of the relevant degrees/certificates
For more information on the research unit of Prof. Jan Baedke, see here:
The position is available from 1st Nov. 2021 on a full-time basis. It is limited to 2 years. If the applicant meets the relevant general requirements and personal qualifications, the salary is based on occupation group 13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector. Please submit your documents electronically to under the subject line “Application Emmy Noether PostDoc” by 24 Sept. 2021. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed (via Zoom). For any further inquiries please contact