Investigator (Ethics and Health Disparities), NIH Bioethics
Closing date: Applications accepted until position filled.
Review of applications will begin on or about September 30, 2021, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The Department of Bioethics (DBE), Clinical Center (CC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) invites candidates with strong research credentials to apply for the position of Tenure Track investigator in the Department of Bioethics (DBE) atthe NIH Clinical Center (CC), Bethesda, MD. The candidate is expected to conduct original bioethics research and establish an independent research program with a focus on ethics and health disparities to add a new significant and timely dimension to the Department’s research portfolio that currently focuses on the Ethics of Research, Ethics of Genetics and Emerging Technologies, Clinical Ethics, and Ethics and Health Policy. Disparities in health and access to health are widespread, have serious consequences to individuals and public health, and often result from social and structural inequities.
The incumbent will become part of an interdisciplinary group of bioethics scholars (including clinical, legal, philosophical, social science, and scientific scholars) committed to interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration – across NIH Institutes and Centers and beyond. The incumbent will have the opportunity to formally collaborate with the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities.
The incumbent will contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of high quality educational and training programs for bioethics fellows and students as well as for the NIH community of investigators, research staff, clinicians, and administrative and program staff, and be an active participant in the Bioethics Consultation Service. The incumbent will serve as an advisor to the Chief, Department of Bioethics, the NIH Clinical Center Director, NIH Institute and Center leadership, and others on bioethical issues through consultation, participation in institutional review boards, and participation on the NIH committees and task forces.
About the CC’s Department of Bioethics
The NIH is the nation’s foremost federally funded biomedical research institution. The NIH Clinical Center is the 200-bed hospital in which NIH intramural research protocols are conducted. The Department of Bioethics’ research mission is to contribute to the understanding of ethical issues in research, clinical care, cutting-edge science, and healthcare policy that emerge at the NIH and around the world. Further information about DBE may be found at
Please include in your CV a description of mentoring and outreach activities in which you have been involved, especially those involving women and persons from racial/ethnic or other groups that are underrepresented in biomedical research and a list of publications, copies of three major publications, and a plan for future research to
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