Read Free/Open Access articles published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry …
- “The Danger of Words”: Language Games in Bioethics
- Diversity in German-speaking medical ethics and humanities
- Kin or Research Material? Exploring IVF Couples’ Perceptions about the Human Embryo and Implications for Disposition Decisions in Norway
- Better Regulation of End-Of-Life Care: A Call For A Holistic Approach
- Clinical Software and Bad Decisions: The “Practice Fusion” Settlement and Its Implications
- The Thailand Cave Rescue: General Anaesthesia in Unique Circumstances Presents Ethical Challenges for the Rescue Team
- An Ethical Framework for Visitation of Inpatients Receiving Palliative Care in the COVID-19 Context
- Enhancing Gender
- Professional Oversight of Emergency-Use Interventions and Monitoring Systems: Ethical Guidance From the Singapore Experience of COVID-19
- How Resistance Shapes Health and Well-Being
- HIV Testing Autonomy: The Importance of Relationship Factors in HIV Testing to People in Lusaka and Chongwe, Zambia
- Respecting Older Adults: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Nature of Suffering, Anarchy, Life and Liberty: Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?
- Philosophy of Science Can Prevent Manslaughter
- Liminality: The Not-So-New Normal?
- Ethical Design and Use of Robotic Care of the Elderly
- COVID-19 and Biomedical Experts: When Epistemic Authority is (Probably) Not Enough
- A Lost Idyll of Connection?
- Risk, Responsibility, Rudeness, and Rules: The Loneliness of the Social Distance Warrior
- The Pensive Gaze
- How Good is the Science That Informs Government Policy? A Lesson From the U.K.’s Response to 2020 CoV-2 Outbreak
- Ecologies of Public Trust: The NHS COVID-19 Contact Tracing App
- Care for Language: Etymology as a Continental Argument in Bioethics
- Clinical Ethics Consultations in the Opinion of Polish Physicians
- Moving forward with vaccination passports
- Granny-Export? The Morality of Sending People to Care Homes Abroad
- Ethical Review of Animal Research and the Standards of Procedural Justice: A European Perspective
- The Shifts in Human Consciousness
- Exploitation, Criminalization, and Pecuniary Trade in the Organs of Living People
- The Role of Physicians in Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Physicians’ Views and Experiences in The Netherlands
- This Wasn’t a Split-Second Decision”: An Empirical Ethical Analysis of Transgender Youth Capacity, Rights, and Authority to Consent to Hormone Therapy
- The Final Act: An Ethical Analysis of Pia Dijkstra’s Euthanasia for a Completed Life
- Bioethicists Should Be Helping Scientists Think About Race
- Symposium: Social and Ethical Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Symposium: Social and Ethical Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic—Part 2
- Symposium: Social and Ethical Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic—Part 1
- From Sufficient Health to Sufficient Responsibility
- Elective Impairment Minus Elective Disability: The Social Model of Disability and Body Integrity Identity Disorder
- Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine
- Designing Preclinical Studies in Germline Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Aspects
- “A Real Bucket of Worms”: Views of People Living with Dementia and Family Members on Supported Decision-Making
- Co-payment for Unfunded Additional Care in Publicly Funded Healthcare Systems: Ethical Issues
- Subsidizing PGD: The Moral Case for Funding Genetic Selection
- Pride Before a Fall: Shame, Diagnostic Crossover, and Eating Disorders
- Design and Validation of an Instrument To Measure a Minor’s Maturity When Faced with Health Decisions
- Editors Should Declare Conflicts of Interest
- Dementia and the Paradigm of the Camp: Thinking Beyond Giorgio Agamben’s Concept of “Bare Life”
- Two-Hourly Repositioning for Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly: Patient Safety or Elder Abuse?
- Beyond Money: Conscientious Objection in Medicine as a Conflict of Interests
- Medicine is Patriarchal, But Alternative Medicine is Not the Answer
- Medium-Range Narratives as a Complementary Tool to Principle-Based Prioritization in Sweden: Test Case “ADHD”
- Accounting for the Moral Significance of Technology: Revisiting the Case of Non-Medical Sex Selection
- The Ethics of Isolation for Patients With TB
- “Can a Company be Bitchy?”
- Limits to Responsibility and Care?
- Transformations
- Two Concepts of Dignity and Integrity
- Treat and Tell?
- Environment
- Sunscreen Safety
- Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a Two-Year-Old Hepatitis-B Carrier
- Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a Two-Year-Old Hepatitis B Carrier (Response)
Letters to the Editor
- Situating the Trovan Trial With the Use of Experimental Ebola Therapies Is Like Comparing an Apple With an Orange
- Using the Ebola Outbreak as an Opportunity to Educate on Vaccine Utility
- Normalising The Good Doctor … and Other Health Services Personnel
- The Important Distinction Between Ghostwriting and Professional Medical Writing Services
Critical Perspectives
- Ethical Challenges Posed by the Ebola Virus Epidemic in West Africa
- Ebola Virus in West Africa: Waiting for the Owl of Minerva
Critical Commentary
- Against Cursory Treatments in Ethics of Medical Migration from Underserved Countries
- A Not-So-Gentle Refutation of the Defence of Homeopathy
Special Issue Articles
- Prenatal Dexamethasone for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
- A New Vaccine for Tuberculosis: The Challenges of Development and Deployment
- Reciprocity and Ethical Tuberculosis Treatment and Control
Symposium Articles
- Investigating Public trust in Expert Knowledge: Narrative, Ethics, and Engagement
- The Moral of the Tale: Stories, Trust, and Public Engagement with Clinical Ethics via Radio and Theatre
- Remembering Stephanie
- Textual Practices in Crafting Bioethics Cases
- Donating Embryos to Stem Cell Research
- Defining Medical Futility and Improving Medical Care
- Human Non-Persons, Feticide, and the Erosion of Dignity
- Biomedical and Environmental Ethics Alliance: Common Causes and Grounds
- Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia From the Netherlands: What Have We Learnt and What Questions Remain?
Original Research
- Stigma and Self-Stigma in Addiction
- Relative Values: Perspectives on a Neuroimaging Technology From Above and Within the Ethical Landscape
- Defining Ourselves: Personal Bioinformation as a Tool of Narrative Self-Conceptione
- Questions and Answers on the Belgian Model of Integral End-of-Life Care: Experiment? Prototype?
- Human Dignity as a Component of a Long-Lasting and Widespread Conceptual Construct
- Freedom of Conscience in Health Care: Distinctions and Limits
- Coercion, Incarceration, and Chemical Castration: An Argument From Autonomy
- The Nobel Prize as a Reward Mechanism in the Genomics Era: Anonymous Researchers, Visible Managers, and the Ethics of Excellence
- Embodied Subjects and Fragmented Objects: Women’s Bodies, Assisted Reproduction Technologies and the Right to Self-Determination
- Challenges of Macro-Ethics: Bioethics and the Transformation of Knowledge Production
In That Case
- The Ethics of Isolation for Patients With Tuberculosis in Australia
- Limits to Responsibility and Care? (Response)
- Two Concepts of Dignity and Integrity
- Transformations (Response)
- Environment
- Treat and Tell?
- Sunscreen Safety
- Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a Two-Year-Old Hepatitis B Carrier
- Public Health Dilemmas Concerning a Two-Year-Old Hepatitis B Carrier (Response)
- Hard to Believe
- Dark Medicine: Rationalizing Unethical Medical Research
- The Mercy Papers: A Memoir of Three Weeks
- The Patient as Victim and Vector: Ethics and Infectious Disease