Read editorials published in the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (free of charge) …
- Remembering Miles Little (28.12.33 – 30.9.23)Ian Kerridge, Wendy Lipworth, Christopher F. C. Jordens & Paul A. Komesaroff Free Access Editorial. The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry was established in 2004 with the explicit aim of being more than “just a journal”—more than merely…
- Ethics, Politics, and MinoritiesMichael A. Ashby Free Access Editorial. The late Helen Bamber was a distinguished pioneer of torture, trauma survivor, and refugee welfare work in the United Kingdom. She paints a vivid picture of the liberation of…
- “The Danger of Words”: Language Games in BioethicsMichael A. Ashby Editorial. Free Access. Published online: 19 April 2023. To most doctors and health workers who haven’t studied philosophy, the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein are hard to approach. Many of us outside the…
- One Last Unexpected Lesson From the Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth II?Michael A. Ashby Editorial. Free Access. Published online: 2 February 2023. The death of the British sovereign, the longest serving head of state in history as far as we know, commanded global media attention for…
- Nature of Suffering, Anarchy, Life and Liberty: Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease?Michael A. Ashby Editorial. Free Access. Published online 21 June 2022. As previously argued in this column, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and magnified all the old potholes, the existing inequalities, deficits, state failures, discrimination,…
- Liminality: The Not-So-New Normal?Editorial. Free Access. Published online 6 April 2022. Michael A. Ashby This edition of the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry carries a symposium compiled in honour of the work of a distinguished pioneer of Australian bioethics: Miles Little….
- A Lost Idyll of Connection?Editorial. Published online 23 December 2021. Michael A. Ashby As we age, it is so easy to slip into the trap of lamentations: that there were salad days when values were nobler and better upheld,…
- The Pensive GazeEditorial. Published online 20 October 2021. Michael A. Ashby and Bronwen Morrell Ethical issues are often transacted with passion, righteous anger, and an unhealthy imbalance between heat and light. These strong emotions can be damaging…
- Goodbye Hippocrates?Editorial. Published online 29 July 2021. Michael A. Ashby It is still probably widely believed that a new doctor “takes” the Hippocratic “oath,” and that somehow this is the basis of public ethical protection, that…
- The Shifts in Human ConsciousnessEditorial. Published online 9 April 2021. Michael A. Ashby “History is unpredictable” (Russian joke) One way to view human history, is to separate it into the facts of past events on the one hand (insofar…
Prestidigitation vs. Public Trust: Or How We Can Learn to Change the Conversation and Prevent Powers From “Organizing the Discontent”
Leigh E. Rich
The Ninth Circle: Who and What Do We Trust In Today’s World?
Michael A. Ashby
Which Lane Should We Be In?
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Transition and Dialectic: A Farewell, A Big Thank You, Some Medical Ethics and Some Reproduction
Michael A. Ashby
The Virus of Vagueness in Authorship
David Shaw
Afterthoughts and Foresight: Digging Through Boxes of Bygone Beliefs and Brooding About the Burgeoning of Bioethics
Leigh E. Rich
“Born Like This / Into This”: Tuberculosis, Justice, and Futuristic Dinosaurs
Leigh E. Rich
The Trojan Citation and the “Accidental” Plagiarist
David Shaw
For the New, the Former, and All Those Continuing On: We Offer Our Thanks
Leigh E. Rich
“Leapin’ Lizards, Mr. Science”: Old Reflections on the New Archaeology (and Musings on Anthropology, Art, Bioethics, and Medicine)
Leigh E. Rich
Ethics, Foreseeability, and Tragedy in Australian Immigration Detention
Ryan Essex
Thirty Years Yet Miles of the Medium-Metaphor to Go: Jon Stewart, Neil Postman, and “Understanding the Politics and Epistemology of Media”
Leigh E. Rich
“Can a Company be Bitchy?” Corporate (and Political and Scientific) Social Responsibility
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Intergenerational Global Heath
David M. Shaw and Leigh E. Rich
Defining “Global Health Ethics”
Catherine Myser
Ethical Aspects of the Glasgow Effect
David M. Shaw
How Do We Thank Thee? Let Us (Try to) Count the Ways
Leigh E. Rich
Art, (In)Visibility, and Ebola
Leigh E. Rich, Michael A. Ashby, and David M. Shaw
Disease, Communication, and the Ethics of (In)Visibility
Monika Pietrzak-Franger and Martha Stoddard Holmes
Ebola, Ethics, and the Question of Culture
Paul Komesaroff and Ian Kerridge
Crime and Punishment, Rehabilitation or Revenge: Bioethics for Prisoners?
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Conducting Ethics Research in Prison: Why, Who, and What?
David M. Shaw, Tenzin Wangmo, and Bernice S. Elger
Government of the People, by the People, for the People: Bioethics, Literature, and Method
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Bioethics and Literature: An Exciting Overlap
Grant Gillett and Lynne Bowyer
Two Deaths and a Birth: Reminiscing and Rehashing Principles in Biomedical Ethics
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
How Shall We Thank Thy Merit?
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
“As Flies to Wanton Boys”: Dilemmas and Dodging in the Field of Nonhuman Animal Ethics
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Bioethics and Nonhuman Animals
Rob Irvine, Chris Degeling, and Ian Kerridge
“Speak What We Feel, Not What We Ought to Say”: Moral Distress and Bioethics
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Death’s Dominion: An Appreciation of Ronald Dworkin (1931–2013)
Michael A. Ashby
Eating People Is Wrong … or How We Decide Morally What to Eat
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
In Memory of Gavin Mooney
Miles Little
From Personal Misfortune to Public Liability
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
A Public Health Ethics Approach to Non-Communicable Diseases
Stacy M. Carter and Lucie Rychetnik
Cases and Culture
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
The New EU Directive on the Use of Animals for Research and the Value of Moral Consistency
Jan Deckers
A Time to Give Thanks
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Today’s “Sexmission”
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Signposts in a Familiar Land?
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Rethinking the Body and Its Boundaries
Leigh E. Rich, Michael A. Ashby, and Pierre-Olivier Méthot
Discussing Difference and Dealing With Desolation and Despair
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
A Tip of the Hat to Our Peer Reviewers
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Editorial 8(3) Reconciliation
Leigh E. Rich and Michael A. Ashby
Reconciliation and the Technics of Healing
Paul A. Komesaroff, Elizabeth Kath, and Paul James
Editorial 8(2) Futility
Michael A. Ashby and Leigh E. Rich
Editorial 8(1) Neuroethics and Mental Health
Kate Cregan
Editorial 7(4) Dignity
Kate Cregan
Editorial 7(3)
Kate Cregan
Continental Philosophy and Bioethics
Catherine Mills
Editorial 7(1) Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Kate Cregan
Editorial 6(4) Illuminating Environmental Ethics
Kate Cregan
Editorial 6(3) End of Life
Kate Cregan
Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion
Michael J. Selgelid, Angela R. McLean, Nimalan Arinaminpathy, and Julian Savulescu
Editorial 6(1) Nanotechnology
Kate Cregan
Editorial 5(4)
Kate Cregan
The Biopolitics of Bioethics and Disability
Shelley Tremain
Editorial 5(1)
Ian Kerridge and Paul A. Komesaroff
The Asia Pacific Issue: Richness in Diversity
Paul A. Komesaroff and Ian Kerridge
Hail and Farewell
Christopher Jordens
What Makes a Journal an International Journal?
Christopher Jordens
Editorial 3(3)
Christopher Jordens
Editorial 3(1–2) Ethics and Stem Cell Research
Christopher Jordens and Jing-Bao Nie
Bioethics in New Zealand: Continuity, Changes, and Challenges
Lynley Anderson
Should We Be Concerned About Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs?
Christopher Jordens and Lynley Anderson
What Does It Mean to Be a Better Person?
Christopher Jordens