Emerging Issues and New Frontiers in FDA Regulation
The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School and the Food and Drug Law Institute are seeking abstracts for academic presentations/papers for an upcoming collaborative symposium on “Emerging Issues and New Frontiers for FDA Regulation”:
- What Emerging Issues and New Frontiers for FDA Regulation
- When Monday, October 20, 2014
- Where Washington, DC, USA
- Abstracts Due Monday, June 3, 2014
- More Information Davina Rosen Marano
Abstracts are welcome on the following topics:
- Stem cell therapies
- Nanotechnologies
- Genetic (and biomarker) tests
- Gene therapies
- Personalized medicine
- Comparative efficacy research
- Drug resistant pathogens
- Globalized markets
- Tobacco
- Bioterrorism countermeasures
- Mobile health technologies
- Health IT
- Drug shortages
- Other related topics
Abstracts should be no longer than one (1) page and should be e-mailed to Davina Rosen Marano by Monday, June 3, 2014. Questions also should be directed to Davina Rosen Marano.
Selected participants will be notified by the end of June and will present at the symposium and be expected to submit a completed article by December 15, 2014 (after the event) to be considered for publication in a 2015 issue of the FDLI’s Food and Drug Law Journal (FDLJ). Publication decisions will be made based on usual FDLJ standards.
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