Call for expressions of interest: Joint Editor in Chief (Content)
Expressions of interest are sought for the position of Joint Editor in Chief (Content) to fill a vacancy resulting from the retirement of the Professor Michael Ashby MD FRACP in early 2025.
Closing Date: February 22, 2025.
The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry (JBI) is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly papers and commentary across the range of issues that arise within the field of bioethics.
For further details, see: https://link.springer.com/journal/11673
The journal has recently changed its legal status to a not-for-profit organisation under Australian corporate law. It has a contract with the international publishers Springer to produce the journal.
Although the two editors in chief are appointed to their positions by the Board of Directors and are ultimately responsible to it, there is a clear separation between governance and editing of the journal.
The Position
The present structure comprises a joint EIC arrangement with Dr Bronwen Morrell EIC (Production) to share the responsibilities of editing and producing the online and paper journal.
The EIC (Content) is responsible for:
- Final decisions about publication, using the Editorial Manager software system provided by Springer.
- Attending weekly meetings of the editorial team, and to report to the Editorial Council from time to time (usually not more than monthly)
- Contribute to the strategic direction and policy implementation of the journal.
- Support and oversee the peer review process.
- Arbitrate where there are differences of opinion between authors, reviewers and associate editors.
- Maintain the overall style, ethos and standards of the journal.
- Promote the journal in the bioethical community and the wider academic, health and scientific communities.
- Ensure the journal is also well connected in its publications and dialogues with the wider public.
- Support a truly global outlook.
- Promote values of inclusiveness, and work against all forms of discrimination.
- Play a pivotal role in ensuring a kind, respectful but robust conversation about bioethics with high standards of academic rigour and expression.
- Promote the vision of a community of individuals committed to a common vision of peaceful and scholarly resolution of difference in the world.
- Maintain good relationships with associate editors and reviewers, and with contributing authors.
The appointee
The journal is above all multidisciplinary. The position will therefore suit an established academic in relevant fields of inquiry that cover: “healthcare, medicine and bioethics; the nature of health, illness, and disability; the sources of ethics; the nature of ethical communities; the possible implications of new developments in science and technology for social and cultural life and human identity; and the impact of social policies and current world events on health, welfare, and systems of power”
The time commitment is variable, but should not normally exceed a few hours a week, and the duties can be performed at a time of the appointee’s choosing.
The present incumbent writes an editorial for each issue, but this is not essential.
A small stipend derived from the income generated by the journal paid by Springer is negotiable with the appointee.
Please send a cover letter and CV to paul.komesaroff@monash.edu by February 22, 2025.